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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

" May your village burn." the UNJEWS

The VILE, sadistic israeli society celebrates Genocide.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024



Produced by the UK / USA and Performed by The Terrorist State of israel

A horrific tell of gaslighting, brutality, sadism, cold-blood-murder.



The israelis are

the UNJEWS are coming for you

Once they kill the Arabs, they will turn their focus on killing Christians.

These israeli Nazis are bacteria, viruses with no respect or understanding of community or life.

They won't stop when they kill everyone; they will turn on each other. The world will be a better place when the israelis are all gone. 

israel is to Judaism what the KKK is to Christianity.

Another Palestinian SURRENDERS

Monday, October 7, 2024

The Terrorist State of israel

 There are no more words to describe the unnecessary existence of the State of israel; the world should unite and put an end to this VIOLENT SOCIETY as it did with Nazi Germany. 

israel is not needed in this world.   



 israel SHALL KILL ( with impunity )

" The scriptures do not say DO NOT KILL; it says DO NOT MURDER." And with that psychopathic distinction, Rabbi Steve Leder tells Jennifer Hutt that Hamas murders civilians while israel kills Palestinians, which is just.

Once upon a time, when I researched anyone, and they turned out to be Jewish, I didn't need to hear anything else; Jewish people held a special place in my heart because of the Holocaust. Not anymore, thanks to the Terrorist State of israel; every time I hear someone is Jewish, I immediately want to listen to their position about the Holocaust in Gaza. My innocence around Jews is gone. 

I found these two while watching the show BILLIONS and seeing the tribute to the creator.

I had no clue who this person was, so I typed his name and found him on Wikipedia, and then, this atheist, who does not give a damn about which murderous God you pray to, discovered that he was Jewish. And until the day I die, I will check to see how they see the Palestinians and our fellow human beings of Arab descent. 

That is when I found his daughter interviewing a Rabbi, a bloodthirsty Unjew who thinks it is okay to kill people. 

HEAR it for yourself.

Saturday, October 5, 2024