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Monday, October 7, 2024


 israel SHALL KILL ( with impunity )

" The scriptures do not say DO NOT KILL; it says DO NOT MURDER." And with that psychopathic distinction, Rabbi Steve Leder tells Jennifer Hutt that Hamas murders civilians while israel kills Palestinians, which is just.

Once upon a time, when I researched anyone, and they turned out to be Jewish, I didn't need to hear anything else; Jewish people held a special place in my heart because of the Holocaust. Not anymore, thanks to the Terrorist State of israel; every time I hear someone is Jewish, I immediately want to listen to their position about the Holocaust in Gaza. My innocence around Jews is gone. 

I found these two while watching the show BILLIONS and seeing the tribute to the creator.

I had no clue who this person was, so I typed his name and found him on Wikipedia, and then, this atheist, who does not give a damn about which murderous God you pray to, discovered that he was Jewish. And until the day I die, I will check to see how they see the Palestinians and our fellow human beings of Arab descent. 

That is when I found his daughter interviewing a Rabbi, a bloodthirsty Unjew who thinks it is okay to kill people. 

HEAR it for yourself.