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Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaza. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Why can't you feel for us?" RAZAN AHMAD ALRIFI

"My mother was a martyred?"

"My father was a martyred?"

"My brother was martyred?"

"My nephew was martyred?"

"My sister was martyred?"

"We are exhausted!"

"Why can't you feel for us?"

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

the killing of DONIA ABU MUHSEN



the killing of DONIA ABU MUHSEN -12 YEARS OLD -
( she was killed inside a HOSPITAL by the FOURTH REICH a.k.a. IDF )

Body language | she holds her arm when wishing that |

Body language | notice her hands when saying that |

Body language | again her hands punctuate her wishes  |

THE israelis want us to go back to our lives; they actually believe they have the right to hurt, imprison, torture and control the lives of these people as if they were cattle. 


You are the FORTH REICH of the Germany ideology and if could grant a wish to the Palestinians would be sending you all back to  your makers GERMANY.

PALESTINE was there before you arrived and YOU DESTROYED IT.



What have you contributed to this world?




Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Mother's Womb

     The place you don't remember, is the safest place you've been; your very existence is proof of that. A heartbeat away from yours is your mother's own heartbeat, pumping life into every part of your tiny body.

     Your mother; the being that creates you, feeds you and gives birth to you, eventually will expose you to this world.

     The israelis, after killing Palestinians for six months, have perfected the art of Genocide and invented THE DEAD WOMB;  a place life seizes to exist.     

     The Palestinians can always be found near death itself; with nothing but faith, resilience and an inexplicable will to live;  side stepping our eternal foe and valiantly saving their families, friends and neighbors.

     While the israelis were busy perfecting the art of killing, the Palestinians have found their way into our collective nightmares and we watch them perfecting the art of living: 

without food, without water, without love, without all that makes life worth living.

     The Palestinians seem to be whispering to us the greatest secret of all: a human being can outlive almost anything except the necessity of having each other.

🍉  LONG LIVE THE Palestinians!   🍉 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Nelson Mandella & Hamas


"The lies and hypocrisy of Israel are so TRANSPARENT..." Kenneth O'Keefe

Thursday, November 23, 2023

I Don't Care!

 And this is what I have to SAY

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hear the Agony! The Screams! The pain!

Imagine being doctor and volunteering in Gaza, risking your live to save people, only to see Israeli soldiers attack patients.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Baby Coffins. Complexity or Evidence?


Today yet another conversation with a Jewish PERSON, I don't say friend because I'm not friends with murderers or people who look the other way. I call them for what they are. Hitler's children. Deaf and dumb Jews. 

It is disheartening to hear people you had meals with tell you that Israel has advised people to leave and they don't. And to then argue a point that is so, so obvious that it defies logic they don't see. 

Even if Israel gave these people 5 years to leave. And went to UN and asked them to intervene because they hadn't left,  it is a moral imperative for the State of Israel to beg the forgiveness of its people and tell them: 

" we know the terrorists are hiding among the civilians but we can't AVENGE the death of our people because we can't bomb 2 million civilians and children.'

And to lose my pacience today with someone and tell him that enough is enough. Go look at the footage. Israel tells them to move through the SAFE CORRIDOR which is already absurd and inhunane, and then bombs there.

The person goes silent. Then tells me: "Why now? Marco, you are a smart man. Hamas is using people like you. Israel was in talks for everlasting peace in that region with Saudi Arabia and Hamas couldn't let that happen and attacked us "

I'm exhausted and disheartened. I now know how people can hate black people, Indians, and on and on. If you grow up with these sort of lessons. If you have idiotic conversations with people.

I'm beginning to hate Jews. I'm beginning to see them as evil. Israelis I know. They are evil to their core. You can't live next to Auschwitz and claim moral standards. And call yourselves "the chosen one."

Here. It's right here. How many of these we need to see? 
one      two.    three.    four.    five 
six       seven  eight.    nine     ten

Hear the children terrible screaming of sheer desperation while IDF soldiers beaten her relatives. Screaming Allah's name. 

The Terrorist State of Israel is telling its people to stay away from social media because of propaganda designed to break them away from their faith. So my so called friends are moving on with their lives and living large. Laughing. Inviting me to dinner as if nothing is happening. Calling me to admonish me for posting a picture of Anne Frank and when I suggested that if she was a Palestinian she would be dead.

"Tell me, please," I asked. "if she was Palestinian living in Gaza right now would she be safe?" And someone who you once called friend answer: " Anne Frank would never be Palestinian."

What? So I just hung up the phone and answered the call back with a simple, not complex at all request, so this person understands it: 

" Please, don't call me again. Not today not ever. From this day forth you are a Palestinian to me"

I am sick to my soul with these people. These DEAF AND DUMB JEWS.

If you a Jew you have the obligation to sit down and watch the evidence. Watch the IDF soldiers own words on how they killed civilians. What is the point of sitting here typing this? I wonder how many Palestinians died during the time I am writing this? 

And what about you? Take a second. How many children died while you read this? 

ps. english is my second language so i edit and edit, sometimes days later. But I am exhausted. So just overlook the grammatical errors. It really doesn't matter, does it?

Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Casinos of Gaza ( the return of Palestinians to their Homeland )


“Do you what this right here is?” What it is, is a cemetery. You can’t tell by looking at it, on the count of the fact that there is no headstones.That’s because it is a different kind of cemetery, it’s whole slave burial ground. Everybody knows slaves didn’t have money of their own to burry their love ones with a headstone. What you can’t really tell by looking at it, our entire history, history of black people in the south, history of black people in America, of our slaves ancestor, is all buried on that field. Deep in the ground, pretty much everywhere you look, that's where our history is. In this vast empty fields. In some places, they put up all these statues, you know, like these all confederate monuments, and statues you see everywhere. All of lot of them is put up on top of the slave burial fields. It’s like taking one history, and put right on top of another; it’s like taking one man legacy, putting on top of another. Until one day, it gets push down so deep, buried so deep, can’t no one ever find it no more.” 

| An excerpt from the movie BURIAL. |

Hollywood writers can write; there is just no real meaning behind their words. Just like the politicians, once they collect their paycheck they will keep their mouth shut before genocide to make sure those checks keeps coming. Is what the Zionists in Hollywood demand.

One day, if The Terrorist State of Israel has its way; and let’s be fair, UK, Canada, US. One day all Arabic history will be a distant memory, just like the American Indians. 

When I was a teenager, I read a book entitled Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, a historical non-fiction book about the crimes against the American Indians, depicting how the US army killed entire tribes, children and all. Adding to this monumental genocidal ethnic cleansing are the casinos the white man opened on sacred Indian lands to continue to exploit the Indians who survived.

One day, US, Canada, UK and Israel will find a way to profit from the few Arabs that survive and that know how to toe the line. And a politician somewhere in time will be standing before a podium pontificating on the injustice done to Palestinians and they will admonish Israel. Whomever is in charge of The Tribal State of Israel then will apologize for the Nazi regime of 2023, and they will bestow on the survivals the entire Gaza “to live in peace and prosper like our brothers and sisters.” 

And huge casinos will be erected. Tax free for the Palestinians. PALESTINE Casinos. And good Jews from around the world will come to gamble their profits and visit Jerusalem to pray for their murderous God.

And a river, a canal of money will flow as yet another cash stream flow to US CANADA UK and Israel. All tax free.  The last thing Arabs will lose is their soul, just like the American Indians.  And finally the words of Israelis will be true: the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian. I believe it it was Hitler's sentiment as well about the Jews. Boy, was he right. 

The Jews that died in concentration camps, murdered on the street during the Nazi Genocide; they have my eternal empathy. It seems I am antisemite. Or maybe I just like angry, LOUD JEWS, like the ones the Holocaust took. They scream from the pages of history at us: LOUD, angry and eternally alive in our memory.

It's the silent deaf and dumb Jews of today I despise. I despise them all. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023



     First and foremost, this is absolute beautiful to observe today. I didn't expect to be in a microphone; there are thousands of people here who are more qualified to speak on this issue of a free Palestine than myself. But I will say this:

     They told me to be quiet. They told me to do my research. To go back. "It's too complex."
But I have to say something. I can't be silent in this moment. 

     In the last three weeks, I've gone back and did some research. I'm teachable. I don't know enough. But I know enough that this is Genocide. We are scared. We watching it unfold. We have been taught to be complicity, to protect our careers. to protect our interest but I am not gonna do it anymore. I'm not afraid to speak the truth.

     You know, my daughter, my daughter said to me this morning- she's 8 years old- she said
"Dad, when we protested today, when we marched today, how are the people in Palestine gonna know? Look at this!

     The world is watching what we do right now in this moment of injustice. There's no "sign" in humanity. We lead with our hearts. We speak the truth. We shut down the propaganda and we march forward:


Macklemore | Musician| rapper

Friday, November 3, 2023

"One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.".. John 9:25


In red because it's the chosen people's favorite Palestinian color. 

For almost A CENTURY, Hitler's Children aka The Terrorist State of Israel run a concentration camp in Gaza. They torture Palestinians, kill their children and babies, and immediately scream ANTISEMITISM to silence and bamboozled the world. Asking Good Jews not to ask questions, and not to mention this GENOCIDE because it would incite more violence.

 Propaganda to make PAPA HITLER proud; 

A Ex-Israeli Soldier Testimony.

This is the life of Palestinians under the tyranny of people who think God Almighty chose them for God knows what. Religion is such a nonsense. These people* and their murderous Gods. 

Ex-soldier on the army of The Terrorist State of Israel tells you exactly how they treated the Palestinians. 

This is a Jew who understands that compassion is the main lesson to have learned from the Holocaust. PLAY


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Milky Way of Destruction


     I have been thinking about Hamas; I have to confess that if you had asked me a few weeks ago to tell you four things I knew about Hamas I would be able to name one: their existence and status as a terrorist organization. My thoughts came together while laying down on top of my car watching the stars with the girl I'm in love with; having lost my mother early and in a horrific way, I immediately feel guilty when happiness surrounds me in anyway. How do I have the right to feel good in this world when the woman who gave birth to me was locked in a mental institution for her entire life. And for something that is treatable: depression.

     But tonight, as I looked at the stars, I was not thinking about my mother, my mind was at Gaza where no one tonight is enjoying the Milky Way because the Israeli government decided to use the beauty of the sky as an avenue; an avenue of sheer destruction. I told my partner that I have been asking myself for a few minutes now why I didn't have a stronger reaction to the kidnap of jewish civilians while being furious of the reaction by the Israeli government to the actions of Hamas.

     She answered my question so swiftly that I felt as if she had entered my mind and declared it:: " Here it is. Is that what you are looking for?" I had no reaction because you expect this of Hamas. You expect this of terrorist groups, and although you feel empathy towards the victims, you are not surprise by anything terrorists do anymore.

     And that realization brought me back to my angry, vicious reaction towards Israel bombing of Gaza; you don't expect jews to behave like that. Jews have always been associated in my mind with the Holocaust, since the first time I learned about the atrocities at concentration camps. This week, for the very first time I realized that I romanticized Israel as a country because of my sympathy towards jewish people. I actually realized that for the very first time in my entire history in this planet I gave a group of politicians my trust. I should have known better. 

     I have been repeating this all day so I will say it again here: the world should ask of jews what we ask of muslims. Denounce the action of your government; denounce the bombings of civilians and children. There are millions of Palestinians in this world and we can not despise, hate, bare antipathy towards all of them because some of them are criminals and antisemites.

     Tonight I learned that I fell out of love with the State of Israel - the same way I feel about China - and see them for what they are, a political group; a government body just like any other; filled with politicians and power hungry individuals who use their position to inflict pain on others and to force groups to bend to their will. 

     For over fifty years these people have justified keeping an entire group of people imprisoned in what can only be described as concentration camps and while they don't torture them as the nazi regime did, they do bomb and kill and silence the voices of the dissidents. Including children. 

    Tonight I realized that the Jewish people of today are not the victims of any Holocaust; the real victims have perished many, many years ago. The jewish that are here today are no different than you and I, like us, they have a history of sadness and violence that sometimes make them unable to enjoy life. Unable to forget the atrocities of a not so distant past. 

     Then, there are the other jews. The ones that hide behind an entire group of people to do what they do best, spread destruction, pain, humiliation and tremendous suffering to another group. When anyone dares to call them on their behavior, they immediately bring out the Holocaust and scream antisemitism. Somehow, they were able to convince the entire world that all jews are alike and pure of intent. Not a single word can be said of any jew without the risk of being accused of disliking an entire group.

     Tonight, the Israeli government revealed themselves to me for what they always were, a despicable group of politicians that are killing and oppressing another group in the name of all the jewish community. An image of Hasidic jews come to me: crossing the street with their families. Going about with their days. In peace.

Is it too much to ask that Palestinians are allowed to do the same? And how absurd is it that we are asking. I am an atheist and more and more; an atheist. Thank the heavens for that. Never in all my existence a voice inspired me to plan the murder of thousands. Two thousand Palestinian children died this week alone.

You are not an antisemite if you state the facts; you are anti violence. You are anti war. We are all human beings.