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Friday, December 8, 2023

The Everlasting Present Palestinian Time

A poet dies today; dies. present tense.The Palestinians have rearranged life, death, time itself; 
unlike another other martyrs: they possess no past, no future,
they die in the everlasting present.

I'm glad to report, He does not die alone, his entire family bids farewell: to me, to you, to IDF soldiers and their masters, the State of Israel, who I'm sure are happy and proud of this achievement. We had no doubt they could do it.

None is happier than poet and his family who belong eternally to Gaza now. I say bury them fast in an undisclosed location so that all Israelis from now to three thousand years  carry a tine particle of these brave people. 

Thosands of years from now, Allah will have the last say and all there will be is the state of one: Palestine.

Israel has killed so many of them that their entire genetic material will be everywhere: on the ground, trees, food supply, on the very air Israelis breathe. 
They will sing and dance and praise each other in victory, they will believe to be the chosen people and carry on living. As PALESTINIANS.

Perhaps there was a Moses who went up in the mountain and came back with the Torah announcement: Jews are the chosen people.

Chosen to carry the DNA of Palestinians forward, for they were not of this time; soulful beings mistakenly attached to the ground. But the Israelis have freed them all, and will forever be earthbound, like birds of the ground, feathers as heavy as the lead in their bombs.

| love | peace | prosperity |

It is with tears rolling off my face I write this: other cultures, civilizations, other people different than us are to be celebrated; all of our differences will one day form an entire different world. 

I hope our new imprint will be one of peace, love and prosperity for everyone.

I'm marveled by the colors of the middle east; their skin color, their smile and faith.  The Arabic language written on a white pager is the most majestic of things.

Yemen, forever the country my soul grew up; perhaps my soul resides there still.

I was told all my life the Arabs were horrible. Something in me registered a dissonance I never quite understood. I recognize the Palestinians. The children, the laughter and the families; an orphan always gravitate towards the things that binds humans together.

Losing any civilization is losing a piece of ourselves. When will these murderous religious people understand that?

Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Heartwarming Scene

She's clean. She is receiving love and care. She's ALIVE ❤️❤️❤️

This is her ordeal (doctors, nurses and volunteers you have eternal admiration.)

And another beautiful moment. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Spoon-feeding Israel KARMA

Finally I see it. The entire world MUST punish Israel: for the deaths, the pain, the suffering. 

And punish them with what they fear most.


FUCK Israel! FUCK Biden. FUCK every DEAF & DUMB JEW in the world.

" I want my father. My father still there." A Palestinian Girl.

Pass all the laws you want. Israelis and TTSI are ZIONIST SWINES that deserve death. We have a death penalty in this country for people who did far less than what these 🐖🐷 are doing. I say PIGS because they don't consider it kosher. Neither is Israel and their HITLER'S Spawns.

A Forth Reich Morality

Imagine proposing to a girl, kneeling down, on the rubbles of a community you destroyed and killed thousands.

That's a ZIONIST Unjew.

READ HERE FIRST: I Found One Good Israeli.


For starters, it's troubling because in my dream scenario I take all the Israeli's children, hand them to Palestinians and tell them to take a stroll to the border of Egypt. 

Then, I place snipers around Israel with orders to kill anyone trying to escape. ( I can't take credit for this great idea. TTSoI . Okay, this acronym doesn't work. Sol in my language means ☀️🌞 and Israel is darkness. Where was I? Oh. Yeah. I learned this barbaric technique with TTSI -The Terrorist State of Israel- when they used it in a hospital they were about to bomb to prevent people from leaving.)

Back to my dream. After making sure the Palestinians and Jewish children are out of range I would drop AN ATOMIC BOMB and get rid of these ZIONIST SWINES once and for all.

Now this guy comes along. An Israeli journalist reporting on the atrocities in Gaza. An actual goddamn Jew reporter talking about Israel crimes. An antisemite Jew? Does that exist?

This will make my job much harder. Imagine how long will take to separate the good from the bad. I understand HITLER'S dilemma now. 

"Wer hat dafür Zeit? Baue einen zaun. legen sie sie alle dort hinein. Töte die unruhestifter" Papa Hitler 

I liked better when I hated ALL Israelis.

TWO. I FOUND TWO GOOD ISRAELIS. Who the fuck raised these two?