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Sunday, March 17, 2024

WIX is the first of many. NOW and FOREVER MORE.

Love this company; built a bunch of websites on its platform without a single issue and now, it is sadden to have to walk away and find another company. 

WIX is an israeli company, and I made a promise as a kid to never support Nazis.

I vowed to protect Jewish people when I first learned about the Holocaust; I was 9 years old; my respect for the Jewish community and the State of Israell was unwavering until they began their campaign of destruction in Gaza. 

Shamefully, it was when I  educated myself on the plight of the Palestinians. I knew nothing about the concentration camp called Gaza; the IDF, the torture, the humiliations, the absurd kidnapping of civilians, including children year after year until more than 10,000 Palestinians were taken from their family. 

One can't deny something is very, very wrong the moment one sees: 


or watch asIDF soldiers beat PALLBEARERS on a funeral procession to prevent them from honoring the live of their loved ones.

Bombing HOSPITALS with patients inside. 


HOW? How can the descendants of the same people I admired all my life be SO EVIL.?

I lived most of my life in Jewish communities across the US; Great Neck, Manhattan and saw the impact of their families on the community at large. 

I always had a profound admiration for the Jewish people; not only for the memories of the Holocaust, but for being an orphan and seeing their devotion to family.

That, in itself, becomes one more reason I can not forgive the israelis for their treatment of the Palestinian people. I AM DONE.

Every single time I see a jewish person now I ask the same question: 

have you served the IDF? The litmus test for being a bonafide psychopath. 

And the second question is whether or not they are in favor of keeping 2 million people in an OPEN AIR CONCENTRATION CAMP.

israel is done. israelis are done. Ironically, I understand when they call the Palestinians animals and go on and on about how all of them are guilty. Guilty of being Palestinians, I guess, which for the israelis, it is equivalent to being subhuman. I understand that.

It is exactly how I feel about israelis. SUB-HUMANS. Evil. Murderous. Psychopath killers of children, women, men and families. ENTIRE FAMILIES.

How many memories I have of Jewish families walking to temple in New York City and the warm feeling I had watching them, successful, happy, ALIVE. 

Now, I ask myself if the people I see with their children are good people. If they served the IDF. If they  support the government of israel on their GENOCIDAL OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.

TheJewish people I see these days are no longer the descendants of the people that we ALL vowed to protect. "NEVER AGAIN" we all said. 

Now, they are potential criminals, potentially genocidal.

ps. i will edit this later on. I'm exhausted.. 

Another long day watching The Terrorist State of israel MURDERING my fellow human beings.

ps. the word MURDERING is singled out for a link. I click on instagram and I can get the first post I see. And it will be ANOTHER HEINOUS CRIME another GUT-WRENCHING VIDEO of a crime done by a group that should have learned EMPATHY from the Holocaust.