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Thursday, November 23, 2023


It so clear now...and don't blame President Obama, people behave well before more powerful people.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Lunacy and Religion had a child: HER.

I'm deeply sorry for everything I said about the wonderful State of Israel; I had no idea that God himself promised a piece of land to the Jews?

Why are the Palestinians so stubborn? 

Rabbi Pigmeat Drops Some Knowledge.

How in the world we take these people seriously.

The Beat of GENOCIDE.

The beat of Genocide... ( com legenda em portugues. ) 

Hear the Agony! The Screams! The pain!

Imagine being doctor and volunteering in Gaza, risking your live to save people, only to see Israeli soldiers attack patients.

In the Meantime in the Land of Israel...

Proud Unjews showing their stripes.

KKK MUST SEE TV. ( ISRAEL the KKK of the Middle East )

                      MASS GRAVES
I've been asking myself a pointless question and denying myself of the obvious answer; the truth that I see, hear and seeps in more and more in each conversation: 

it doesn't matter what you say,
It doesn't matter how many videos of infants and children killed in cold blood you show, 
It doesn't matter how many fake videos Israel produces; 

Palestinians and Arabs are the NIGGERS of the world. 

And I wrote the NIGGERS because, well, I feel like it. I will not participate in this charade.

Israelis are white. Arabs and Palestinians are not. 

I'm tired of having conversations with people I call, FOR THE TIME BEING, friends, sending them videos such as this, and this and this and this and  pro-truth and  Satanic Teletubbies  only to get back.
This is like watching a MMA fighter beating the life out of a child and hearing back: " Look the child is still trying to punch back."

Here's is a CNN reporter telling the world a small piece of nothing Israeli atrocity; the world watched, dismissed and now enjoy in prime time The Terrorist State of Israel killing NIGGERS.

KKK calls the Israeli "conflict" 😂"war" a MUST SEE TV.

I've been, I'm finding myself talking to God daily now. I feel his presence so close that I can whisper in his ears: "Thank you for making me an atheist."

 Fuck the Unjews, the Torah, Moses and his poisonous tablet; I have no prejudice within myself in my entire existence. My soul rejoices with poetry, music, coffee, cinema, and the writings of all nationalities.

I'm the chosen one. ***

*** I wrote that and stopped. ❤️ sunk for a bit... Ok. no... I don't feel like killing anyone. Thank you, oh Fictitious Higher Power.