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Monday, January 29, 2024

The Universal Language of EMPATHY

When the situation is so sad and dire, it transcends the human language.

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Instagram is changing video clips so fast you can't save some of them. 

We now FINALLY understand THE REAL WORLD.







Saturday, January 13, 2024

My ❤️ and SOUL Belongs to Palestinians

This is a crime against our own humanity; each Palestinian life taken dims our collective light a bit more.

I'm grateful for the food they are about to eat. Praise Allah 🙏

Friday, January 12, 2024

2 Babies Under a Building

Watch a little child climbing from under a building in Gaza. 

doesn't begin to describe this madness.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Une Recette Pour Une Belle Vie


     Sometimes, the memories of my grandmother overwhelms me and I have to go searching for pieces of my history online; the history that formed me as a human being was written in Afonso Arinos, a small village located on the borderline of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. Minas Gerais, undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful places in the world. 

     Just type the name of a few of its cities in your image search box and you can begin to plan your next vacation: Diamantina, Tiradentes,  Congonhas, Sao Joäo del Rey, Mariana, and the second most beautiful city in the world for me: Ouro Preto. New York City being forever my favorite city, followed by Paris, which lost the second place in my heart when I visited Ouro Preto em 2015.

     Tonight, for whatever reason, I typed Rio das Flores into my search box and discovered the beautiful Fazenda do Paraizo, owned by the beautiful couple, Paulo Roberto Botelho and his wife, Simone Botelho. There's so much I could say about the property but my words will fall short to describe the beauty of this place. You can see it for yourself.

     The second Fazenda was a nice surprise since I know the family who owns it; we all grew up in Afonso Arinos; merely 10 minutes away from where  Fazenda Santa Justa is located. An added layer of nostalgia is the fact that Vanessa Cardäo, the young woman describing the place is related to the girl I loved when I was 9 years old. 

     Then it came to me why I had a hard time talking about the beauty of both places; certain experiences have to be lived, not described. And in living it, day to day, a human being can begin to form a receipt pour une belle vie. 

     Here's how the exquisite Vanessa Cardäo describes Fazenda Santa Justa::

 "Essa fazenda pra mim tem gosto de memória, de lembrança, de felicidade, de valores, de família e de Deus também." Clarissa Cardäo. 

 "For me this farm "tastes" like memory, remembrance, happiness, values, family, and God too." Clarissa Cardäo. 

     Words to live by. What else is there to say? 


Are You HAMAS?


I'm Hamas

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.
The unrelenting memories of my childhood: the fear of the soldiers and their cruelty. The humiliations I witnessed to family and friends. 

The sadness when I understood that the strongest man I knew, my hero, my father, couldn't protect me, couldn't protect my mother,  couldn't protect my sister.

I'm Hamas.

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.
The unrelenting memories of my childhood: the emptiness inside watching entire families killed in a single day.

I'm Hamas.

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.
The unrelenting memories of my childhood: the shame I felt running away when the settlers came and began beating my neighbors. Stealing their houses. My mother holding my hand tight and pulling me along to safety.

I'm Hamas.

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.
The unrelenting childhood memories: the moment I realized I wasn't safe anywhere. 

I'm Hamas.

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.
I'm a child no more. 
The unrelenting memories of my childhood: made me who I am. 

I know I have a choice: 
live and die at the hands of my oppressors;

Exercise the lessons they taught me: brutality, sadism, unrelenting terror, and fight back.

The question is not, and will never be, do you condemn Hamas? The question is: 


How many years would you take the blows, the humiliations, the injustices, the killings of children, of entire families?

I'm Hamas.

and I wake and sleep fueled by this rage inside.

The unrelenting memories of my childhood and the lessons I learned from the people God chose to be my neighbors.

What would you do in my shoes? 

I'm Hamas


A ❤️ to ❤️ with my Soul 🕊️ DABKE

TWENTY TWENTY-THREE is the year I finally sat my soul down for a real conversation. 

" I see it clearly now. All of it. I'm an orphan, a Godless creature; no illusions of any kind to protect you."

She just listened. A profound sadness enveloped me.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"We are gonna dance..." I said.

" until we know."


viva Palestina 

" I am the bread of life..." Jesus Christ

Another Palestinian the Zionist killed

The happiness, the simple joy of empathy. A simple loaf of bread.

This is a Jew.

This is the Holocaust JEW I met when I was 9 years old, in an illustrated book. It's not the clothing that establishes him as a Jew, but his ideals.

For obvious reasons, I was 9 years old when I learned about the Holocaust, I didn't know what a Jew was; I embraced Jews worldwide in my heart, in the feeling of recognizing my own suffering as an orphan.

Yes. I just equated the Holocaust of millions with being an orphan. It's how a child sees things, through empathy. I saw the pictures. I understood what it meant. And vowed to protect Jews against hate years before I learned what antisemitism was.

I met the Zionists in 2023 when they began indiscriminately killing innocent human beings in Gaza. 

The Jew I don't understand. I'm an atheist so I don't understand grown adults not overcoming an fairytale. All religions for me are just that: parables, through beautiful fairytales. 

The Zionists I understand. I understand the Zionists even before I met them. I understood them at 9 years when I wanted to kill all the Germans in the world. Not the Nazis. The Germans. I wanted to kill Germans. I thought they were one and the same.

And that's the lessons Zionists learned well with Papa Hitler: equate Zionism with Judaism and you have a powerful Holocaust cloak. All that is left for you to do now is lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,

lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill,lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill, lie and kill.

I just realized how brilliant Hitler and his Nazis architects were. They killed all the Jews they could and infected the others with Nazism; the real Jews realizing that, called it zionism. I wish they had called it for what it is. 

A Zionist is the ultimate embodiment of Hitler's ideal and one needs only to look at Gaza2023 to see  evil reincarnated.

The Bilyeu's


Inside Quest

Women of Impact

Impact Theory

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Unappreciated Natural Resources Called HUMAN BEINGS

And for this post we will focus on the Arabs, a rich, exquisite culture being eradicated year after year for the natural resources of their land. Their land.

Countless poets and artists and simple human beings who were lucky to be alive and whose lives have been made into hell for the natural resources of their land. Their land. 

Yemen, once one of the most beautiful places in the world, made by God himself if you believe in such things, now virtually destroyed for the natural resources of their land. Their land.

Afghanistan. Iran. Turkey. Egypt. Syria. and on and on. Every single one of these places attacked and vilified for the natural resources of their land. Their land.

From the ashes of centuries upon centuries of its history, that includes being the place God chose to allow his only son coming into this world. Jesus Christ, born and raised and killed in the the same land we now watch the white christians of this world bomb, again and again, for the natural resources of their land. Their land.

Still they rise. Still they live behind their protest: poems, cries, chants, and unrelenting courage even before the white christians of this world unimaginable cruelty and sadism for the natural resources of their land. Their land.

Here's one who lived long ago and left behind his impression of this world. Long after these evil white men have perished, it will echo to future generations and attest to all this cruelty.

                                                           when I die

The Definition of a TERRORIST


We can't argue with a Genocidal man when he defines the actions that constitute a Genocide and proceeds to act that way.

| Yes. Every accusation is a confession. |

Let's Build This

                   🌎 worldwide 🙏

                    for EVERYONE 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024



What is the point of writing? 

Novels, philosophy, or any other art form, for that matter. We are powerless stenographers living behind the deeds of powerful men to entertain the next generation.

We are not free. We are allowed to exist. 

Show me a masterpiece, and I will place it against the backdrop of Palestinian sorrows, and it will have no effect on the outcome.

It is united we prevail, and there's more of us.