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Monday, October 7, 2024

The Terrorist State of israel

 There are no more words to describe the unnecessary existence of the State of israel; the world should unite and put an end to this VIOLENT SOCIETY as it did with Nazi Germany. 

israel is not needed in this world.   



 israel SHALL KILL ( with impunity )

" The scriptures do not say DO NOT KILL; it says DO NOT MURDER." And with that psychopathic distinction, Rabbi Steve Leder tells Jennifer Hutt that Hamas murders civilians while israel kills Palestinians, which is just.

Once upon a time, when I researched anyone, and they turned out to be Jewish, I didn't need to hear anything else; Jewish people held a special place in my heart because of the Holocaust. Not anymore, thanks to the Terrorist State of israel; every time I hear someone is Jewish, I immediately want to listen to their position about the Holocaust in Gaza. My innocence around Jews is gone. 

I found these two while watching the show BILLIONS and seeing the tribute to the creator.

I had no clue who this person was, so I typed his name and found him on Wikipedia, and then, this atheist, who does not give a damn about which murderous God you pray to, discovered that he was Jewish. And until the day I die, I will check to see how they see the Palestinians and our fellow human beings of Arab descent. 

That is when I found his daughter interviewing a Rabbi, a bloodthirsty Unjew who thinks it is okay to kill people. 

HEAR it for yourself.

Friday, October 4, 2024

A Part of My Soul Left With Her - Remembering DONIA ABU MUHSEN

THE WAR CRIMES The Terrorist State of israel is committing. The violence against children.

Watch videos in this sequence. And prepare. If this does not make you want to die yourself, you have no soul. Join the IDF.

Tired of fucking humanity. 

Reporting ONE

She survives a bombing that kills her family. Loses her leg.

Reporting TWO

Israel finds the hospital where she's convalescing and kills her with another bomb. ISRAEL BOMBED A HOSPITAL in retaliation for an interview she gave to an American reporter.

Please notice her positive semblance.
Hours after this photo, she's murdered.



*** As I revisit this, israel has now KILLED PEOPLE IN FOUR COUNTRIES. In 24 months. 
And displaced over TWO MILLION PEOPLE. 

The perpetual israeli victims told OVER 2 MILLION PEOPLE to LEAVE THEIR HOMES OR DIE.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Jewish Passport

  I have just finished watching WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES on Hulu, about the invasion of Poland and the persecution of Jews. 

All the Jews in the world should be ashamed to allow an israel such as this one. It turns out I don't care for Jewish people; I would have felt the same way about the Holocaust if the victims were of any religion, ethnicity, or atheist like myself. 

In each country around the world, there are about 100 influential men who care not about anyone's existence; they care for power and money, the world be damned.

I'm aghast at this world. I do not want to live in such a world; this very feeling defines the israelis as sadistic creatures who live adjacent to horror and enjoy their lives as if nothing was happening to their fellow human beings.

Perhaps the saddest thing about The State of israel is that they were unable to understand what being "the chosen ones" meant. I am an atheist, so it is just a romantic notion to me, a writing catharsis. 

God allowed the Holocaust to fulfill its own prophecy; Jews who survived the atrocities of Nazi Germany were installed in The State of Palestine and became a beacon in the Middle East, respected and admired by all other nations. 

In recognition of their contribution to our world, they carry the Jewish passport, the only universal passport. That should've been the tale of the descendants of the Holocaust's martyrs. A tale of compassion. The israelis choose greed over honoring the memory of their ancestors. They bring shame upon the houses of every Jew. And profound sadness to this devout atheist.