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Monday, December 4, 2023

Would You Kill Hitler?

The question is complex and one needs to understand the historical events of the era to...

Ok. I'm just typing nonsense really.

Here. An entire family killed by HITLER'S CHILDREN. ENJOY.

The Truth is Clear

CRYSTAL as ZIONIST murdered hypocrite Aaron Sorkin wrote in his great screenplay A Few Good Man. 

A movie embued with moral lessons, virtuous protagonists and JUSTICE at the end. 

None of which this monster thinks PALESTINIANS deserve since he's going around DEMANDING that anyone who speaks against Israel is fired.

Aaron Sorkin. I'm a writer. A filmmaker. One thousand times LESS talented than you. Maybe more 

But I know the truth. Killing children is "crystal clear" wrong.

By the way, Mr. Tom Cruise quietly protect his agent from being fired and since he's an AMAZING CASH ASSET the Unjews in Hollywood did the math and SOLD THEIR PRINCIPLES to keep the money coming.

These people would have sold the Holocaust victims for CASH

A Simple Question

Watch this video. It's not complex as the dangerous hypocrite Dr. Jordan Peterson suggested.

The question is simple: 

Is it wrong to bomb places where civilians are inflicting this kind of pain on babies, children, their parents.


Let me try this another way Dr. Jordan Peterson.

I will be waiting for your daughter today. Before she gets to her car I will assault her, cut her body in small parts and spread over Gaza. For symetry.
Now. I know that THE REASONS I did that are conplex. I am an orphan. Experienced extremely violence and abuse as a child and blah blah blah


I will take my answers back in the planet 🌎 Earth 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

I Give UP!!!

This is Russia. Killing people in Ukraine.The country of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Tarkovsky, Chekhov.

Someone explain THIS to me.


the true terrorists of the middle east. 

The Angels are Back.

The city of Angels.

A Sunday Afternoon in Gaza

How many of us sat in our cars: listening to music, singing a lullaby, playing with our babies?

How many of us, sat in our cars holding  a dead baby?

Thank you. Israel. I think I see it now. God has chosen your people to be the evil in this world that unites humanity.

You are never going to get the land. You just think you will. The tides of history rises and washes away every tyrannical regime.

It's a natural cycle and recycling of things; sometimes "God" sends us a Jesus, a Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, a Mother Theresa.

Other times, for reasons only divine authority knows, it send us Genghis Khan, Hitler and  Zionist Israelis.

We learn from both.