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Friday, December 1, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Nelson Mandella & Hamas


"The lies and hypocrisy of Israel are so TRANSPARENT..." Kenneth O'Keefe

Gaza | before & after |

This is what EVIL is.

Israelis ABORTION Technique

Finally the Republicans will join our FREE PALESTINE movement. And who in the world would've guessed that LATE TERM ABORTION would bring them to the right side of history.

LATE TERM ABORTION  ( Israeli method )

All My Heroes Are Being Redeemed.

I won't write his name, none of chess players in the world need it to recognize him immediately. I will tell you who he is not. He's not a criminal as his own government portrayed him to be and branded him a terrorist in an attempt to silence him from speaking again the most vile group of people the world has ever seen.

A group of people that make the Nazis seem tame in comparison: sadistic, liars, violent, masters of propaganda.
Together with The United States of America, they did all they could to prevent him from telling the truth that the world is finally waking up to:

The Terrorist State of Israel is the most vile, barbaric, government that has ever existed in this world. And its people, the Israelis are a subhuman swine form, and entity the world now tries to comprehend. The evil deployed by the so called civilized democracies when they want to kill niggers while keeping their hands clean.

I play chess. Extremely well. Well, not anymore. My last game was around 13 years old when I played against 8 players simultaneously and found myself on top of a bridge afterwards. Afraid I would propelled myself onto the train tracks below. My mother locked away in a mental hospital for depression. I,  trying to find a path in this world, but when I looked at my heroes, they were all crazy or antisemitic. Fearing I would go crazy if I devoted myself to chess, I walked away and never touched a board again except to play with children.

The man above was a God to me. I studied his plays. His games. Game 6 against Boris Spassky where he tapped into his inner child and played the most beautiful game of chess I have ever seen; to this day. 

Poetic, with an unmatched childlike randomness beauty that countless worldwide players have studied but none were able to duplicate. GAME 6, played by this man, has a simplicity that Artificial Intelligence will never fully grasp. We don't grasp either except that it lights up our soul.

Unfortunately, I was a kid in love with theater, writing and cinema. I was also a voracious reader and upon learning about the horrors of the Holocaust my brain got rewired. If seems that  I have HATRED towards Israel, Israelis and deaf & dumb Jews, it's because I do. 

Screaming antisemitism when caught red handed, Palestinian blood dripping from their fingers, standing on the plot of their ancestor who perished in the Holocaust.

 I hate these people to the inner core of my being.

The theater community is populated by 2 main group: gays and Jews. Or both. The gays continue to be what they were always. Gays. Human beings, like myself, trying to find a path towards happiness and fulfillment.

The Jews? They are divided in two groups:

ISRAELIS ZIONIST: Their only path and aspiration seems to be gathering as much land as possible in the middle east, no matter how many children they need to kill to get it.

DEAF & DUMB JEWS are the people who practice Judaism, badly, and like me refuse to listen to 73 years of screaming people, pointing to the atrocities in Gaza.

The man above was "falsely accused" by his own country and condemned to prison for being a terrorist. Thanks to Japanese authorities he ended up exiled in Iceland. I spent my entire life since 13 years old asking a question that plagued all my life:

Why do many men with beautiful minds, minds that I love hate Jewish people so much? Today, finally, I learned the demarcation lines of the  Jewish community, The Terrorist State of Israel and Zionism.

I thought the man above was antisemitic and never once paid attention to any thing that came out of his mouth. Same thing for Jose Saramago. Roger Waters, and many others. 

INNER VOICE JUST NOW: Marco, go learn about Ezra Pound. 

One of my favorite modernist poet, Ezra Pound made the list of people I admired, while baffled by his hate of the Jews. He will be the next of my long list of people I have to reconsider.

 A towering figure in Paris in 1920's, extremely generous to other artists. Generosity inexistent today in the art world. There would be no James Joyce without Ezra Pound. I brought a very thick biography on Pound at a library in Great Neck. NY and refused to read it. It sat in my library until I gave it away, unread, to a Jewish "friend" 
Oh, the irony. No one can lodge a knife in your back better than a family member or a friend.

I hate these people to the inner core of my being.

Because I trusted them. I trusted every Jewish person I knew when they pointed their fingers at someone and accused them of hating Jews. These monsters used my trauma of the Holocaust to stand alert against injustice and violence towards Jews. 

Let me clear so that there's no misunderstanding:

JEWS are people who practices Judaism 

THE TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL is a cancer ridden government body.

ISRAELIS are the subhumans swine form entities that live with a concentration camp BACKYARD VIEW.

The only positive thing about the genocide of Palestinians is that all the people I despised are being redeemed. one by one.

Here's some quotations from the man above. Quotations that gave him the branding of crazy, Antisemitic and terrorist. READ IT. And before you ask. No. He is not Palestinian. He's an American. An American hero that single handily fought the Russians and won. 
Hero for two seconds. Hero until he refused to be a propaganda boy for The United States of America. Hero until the very moment he decided to speak the truth.

Here are the words that made him a terrorist.


The United States is an illegitimate country ... just like the bandit state of Israel — the Jews have no right to be there, it belongs to the Palestinians," said Fischer, whose mother was Jewish. "That country, the United States, belongs to the red man, the American Indian. ... It's actually a shame to be a so-called American because everybody living there is ... an invader."

He traced the origins of his troubled relationship with his homeland to his failed lawsuit in the 1970s against Time Inc., now Time-Warner, for defamation of character, breach of contract and other issues; a U.S. District Court threw it out as groundless.

"I got laughed out of court," he said. "This is when I began to realize what kind of a country America was then ... it's just a sham democracy. ... That's when I started to part company with the U.S."

Fischer, 62, is wanted by the United States for violating sanctions imposed on the former Yugoslavia by playing an exhibition match there against Spassky in 1992.

(Marco Aurelio. That's right. He was going to prison for playing a chess game in a country his country had a problem with it. )

He was detained by Japanese officials last July for using an invalid U.S. passport. Fischer claims the travel document was revoked illegally, and sued to block a deportation order to the United States.

Iceland's Parliament stepped in this week to break the standoff by giving Fischer citizenship. But Fischer is by no means in the clear, as Iceland, like Japan, has an extradition treaty with the United States.


Meanwhile in Israel.

I'm a writer. Let me take a STAB at it.

Pregnant Palestinian woman stabbed to death in front of her kids by an Zionist Unjew; incomplete baby also dies.

Note: forgive me typos or errors. Will edit later. The genocide in Gaza is exhausting to my soul.

ISRAELIS are Subhumans. A Swine Entity Form.

( Don't forget to LIKE these videos so that more people can see it )

An Israeli STABBING a PREGNANT WOMEN over 20 Times.

An IDF soldier hitting a pregnant woman in the stomach.

Israelis tick tack posts mocking Palestinians. Dancing, flicking lights to alluding to bombing. PROOF.

After destroying children homes. Playing with their bikes while their bodies lay under the rubble. 


KIDNAPPING CHILDREN from their backyard. And tossing them in prison for decades.

Another school day in Israel where the subject is HATE PALESTINIANS

Here is one of my favorites. They are removing this distraught mother from her son grave. They are turning a Palestinian cemetery into a THEME PARK 

( This is how Roger Waters became one of the main voices agains the atrocities in Gaza. He went to Israel to do a show and found out that the stadium was built on top of a Palestinian cemetery. He refused to play and immediately was accused of antisemitism. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023