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Monday, November 27, 2023

Brought to You by a DEAD CHILD

Every 10 minutes a child dies in Gaza; I stopped all I was doing and took 30 minutes to research and post yet ANOTHER Israeli CRIME.

During that time, 3 children died. It has been a little over 30 minutes so someone is dying while I type this: of starvation, of infections due to wounds sustained in the violent attacks against civilians.

I don't like politicians. Never did. I always knew them to be the worst group of people aggregated anywhere.

They are surpassing every expectation I had of how morally corrupted they are. In every country.

So much has been said of the Israeli subjugation of Palestinians; but I can't be the only one to have understood that we are all under Israeli's malignant thumb. All the countries in the world act as if we have been occupied by The Terrorist State of Israel.

Let someone else EDUCATE us.

It's Strictly Prohibited to Feel Joy

Terrorist State of Israel kidnapped many, many children in Gaza. Before releasing them they warned Palestinians that any display of JOY is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and violators will be arrested and charged as terrorist.

So I called an old "friend" as asked him to put that into perspective for me.
"Educate me." I said. He promptly hung up the phone.

I heard people say that we are running out of words to describe how evil Israelis are. I disagree. 

They are psychopaths. Of the Genocidal variety.

They Missed One 🍼🐥 baby

IDF missed killing this one BABY. I'm sure they look forward to kidnapping, sorry, "arresting" him soon.

❤️ The Bright Side of Religion ❤️

Kindness empathy altruism

All My Jewish "friends" 😲😔

Did their best to explain the unexplainable; and resorted to offer me the medicine that works for them:
" You need to stay out of social media. There's lots of antisemitism out there."

I can only answer for me. I hate Zionists. I hate ALL Israelis. Only the children get my empathy; imagine having to grow up next to a concentration camp and realize all the adults around them are genocidal psychopaths.

They even tried tossing a 2 YEAR OLD CHILD in prison. Listen to the desperate CRIES of this TODDLER.

Would you like to leave a comment about how sadistic this is? ( Is limited synonym of BLOCKED? )

Yes. Israelis. I hate you to the core of my being. And since I'm an atheist you can't even accuse me of being an antisemite. KIDNAPPING 

Daily. For 73 years. The round up children at random and imprison them for years. With no trial.

SETTLERS | Israel Black Friday Salesforce

I want you to stop and look around the pace you live: home, apartment, small, large, it doesn't matter. Your place. Your home. The place you bathe your children. Have meals with family and friends. Watch your children grow, or your partner grow old.

Now. WATCH THIS. Pretend this is you. Do you CONDEMN Israel now?

And look at the face of the UNJEW ZIONIST NAZI standing there smirking. Tell me if you don't feel like punching his idiotic face.

Congratulations. You are a terrorist now. Hamas. And dead. Notice the soldiers there? They are there to shoot anyone who reacts.

I hate these people. ISRAELIS are some sort of virus. A subhuman form.

Instagram HATES Palestinians.

Since my Twitter account is blocked, and it will remain blocked since I refuse to AGREE that I violated any rules, someone create a hashtag

This is the video. CHILDREN 

This is my comment...
The TELL US button does work. Might as well since you are Israeli's whores.