Monday, February 5, 2024

we should be afraid. WE SHOULD BE VERY AFRAID

Watch how The United States of America, UK and israel are killing adults and children with abandon; prepare for the day where Americans will begin being killed RIGHT HERE in US SOIL. Sounds preposterous? 

I have thousands of readers that read my blog. THOUSANDS. I have just noticed that ALL POSTS with the HIGHEST number of views are being TAKEN DOWN to protect the community. ALL OF THEM.

ONCE THEY REACH A CERTAIN NUMBER they are TAKEN DOWN. And they don't revert back to draft. THEY JUST DISAPPEAR.

And now I sound like people I called crazy in the past. But it is happening. Right before my eyes.

And my instagram feed is FROZEN FOR DAYS now. No longer updates new posts. I am manually going to each of the 800 PALESTINIANS I subscribe to get the daily ATROCITIES TO SHARE.

No mistake. I HATE israelis & israel 

It is my theory that, just like in israel, we will see massive amount of dissenters put in prison and then the murders will begin. Former President Trump already warned that if he wins he will HARM ANYONE PROTESTING. Imagine that.

The country with two of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DOCUMENTS written by our species: 

The Bill of Rights and The Constitution.