Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Algorithm Within

In 2023 my entire identity collapsed; a bit of it had already vanished when my children outgrew the necessity for a father; but I had writing, I had myself, and I had New York City, the 🍎 of my eye; I had the pure memory of a girl, long, long ago.

I had the misguided notion that the 🌎 was inherently good and that my two countries, Brasil and The United States of America were a solid foundation to justify some optimism.

I had my 3,800 books; and walking into a room where my bookshelves sat soothe my soul. In those shelves were the entire 🌎 and being an atheist, I could embrace all of it without any prejudices. My books showed me a solid path for humanity; the diversity of ideas, proof that human beings were striving to outgrow our violent history. 

I had no way of knowing that all those books were not random displays of diversity of any kind, they were selected by an algorithm, an algorithm I still don't quite understand: myself.

Years ago, I took two of my children to Disneyland in Florida and while there, following my fascination with the Middle East, Yemen in particular, my affection for Khalil Gibran, Albert Camus, I entered an interactive showing of sorts. 

Jerusalem. Discover Jerusalem I think it was the title. The chairs shook and swerved to resemble an 🚁 ride through the streets of beautiful ❤️ Jerusalem. After watching it, for reasons I can not explain even with the knowledge I have today, I turn to my daughter, Tuany, and told her: "If we ever have a third world war, it will come from this place." 

An older married Jewish couple in front of me took offense to that, and turn to address me. It wasn't too acrimonious. I stated that I was an atheist and that placing too many passionate religions in such close quarters were never a good idea. My recollection was that they were kind and, whatever they said I don't recall. This episode was not too significant and I never thought of it again until this very moment.

This moment in time where I have nothing to hold on to except existence itself. That, is a very dangerous place to find yoursef alone. And I'm alone.

I'm alone in my ignorance of politics.
I'm alone in my ignorance of men and their need to accrue power and money.
I'm alone in my shame for not knowing about the concentration camp in Gaza.
I'm alone in my discovery that all my so called Jewish friends were Zionistic inclined and the lives of others were unimportant to them.

I'm alone. I'm alone. I'm alone.

Now, when you look at the world and see all the protests, one might think I'm exaggerating my condition, but it is in large crowds that I, for one, can fully experience what it is to be human. With no power. The crowd attest to that. It confirms it. No one talks about it, but the louder we get, the more I see the discrepancy of our numbers in relation to the efficiency of a few. Efficiency to kill.

Twenty thousand deaths so far. Ten thousand children murdered in horrific, barbaric ways. The silence of the community I once admired as artists; now, as dead as the Palestinians. The entire movie industry. Deaf and dumb. 

What's left is to exist. And find a new place. The place I would like to live in for a bit, it's being bombed right now. Yemen. Any civilized person can't pay taxes knowing that your hard work will be used to manufacture death and mayhem. To kill Arabs. The fashionable niggers of our time. 

What's left is to exist. And find a place with families, communities, traditions to move to. And carefully choose a place with absolute no natural resources of any kind. A place filled with human beings. 

The only resource the Zionist of this 🌎 don't give a damn about.

In the meantime. I educate myself.

                   ⭐ ⭐ ONE ⭐⭐

                ⭐ ⭐ TWO ⭐⭐

          ⭐ ⭐ THREE ⭐⭐


           ⭐ ⭐ FOUR ⭐⭐

George W. Bush signed into law THE HAGUE INVASION ACT which allows The United States of America TO INVADE NETHERLANDS to prevent them from finding the US guilty of genocide. READ THAT AGAIN. Read it as many times as needed until you fully comprehend what it means.

        ⭐ ⭐ a new FACT daily ⭐⭐


Every country with natural resources in this world should build an army. An army powerful enough to destroy the entire 🌎 ten times over. And keep them ready. 

Years from now,  I will be thankfully dead by then, my country of birth, Brasil, will be invaded by whomever the new powerful country is. There will be a campaign to justify it. Horrible people. Primitive. Prone to communism. The Brazilians will be the new Arabs. The new niggers.

While there, the benelovent forces of justice, democracy, altruism, will protect the Amazon forest and the fresh water reservoir from these savage south american animals.

It seems that peace it's not a state of enlightenment we can ever achieve.

Countries will always be in search of new resources they can control while murdering and subjecting others; then one day we will be all out of natural resources to explore and perhaps then, well see each other for the most valuable resources in this planet.

By then, our bombs and nuclear weapons will already have terminally shape our world. But fear not, the Bezos and Musks of this world drive by hundreds of thousands of homeless daily on the way to their offices, where their heroic mission is to move our species to another planet.

The Brazilian poet, singer-songwriter, Belchior perfectly capture our plight.

         Divina Comédia Humana

Deixando a profundidade de lado
Eu quero é ficar colado à pele dela noite e dia
Fazendo tudo e de novo dizendo sim à paixão
Morando na filosofia

Eu quero gozar no seu céu, pode ser no seu inferno
Viver a divina comédia humana onde nada é eterno

Ora direis ouvir estrelas, certo perdeste o senso
E eu vos direi, no entanto
Enquanto houver espaço, corpo, tempo
E algum modo de dizer não, eu canto (ora direis)

Ora direis ouvir estrelas, certo perdeste o senso
E eu vos direi, no entanto
Enquanto houver espaço, corpo, tempo
E algum modo de dizer não, eu canto

Enquanto houver espaço, corpo, tempo
E algum modo de dizer não, eu canto
Enquanto houver espaço, corpo, tempo
E algum modo de dizer não, eu canto