Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Dark Side of the Moon

.                      ( watch )

The title was meant to be The Dark Side of Israel but it doesn't fit; the evilness coming out of that place has no sides; it's round in its maleficence, circling the globe now, infecting everyone. A people that believe not only in a fictitious God but one that bestowed on them the title of "the chosen people." Words don't quite encapsulates the severity of deaf and dumb Jews collective histeria. I provide a sample here of a mother helping her son pack for Genocide and her proclamation.

For the last 10 years or so of my life I couldn't hear or see the face of Roger Waters ; whom I first heard at about 9 or 10 years old. Pink Floyd's The Wall. I sat in a stranger house for hours and listen and although being unable to understand the lyrics never forgot. Years later, a girlfriend of mine translated the verses for me and he became the second best lyricist in the history of music. First one is Chico Buarque de Hollanda, Roger Waters and Bob Dylan. Now that I play guitar and studied Dylan's lyrics, he came down to third place. Which might as well since he is an antisemite, or so I thought. Every single time Roger Waters began talking about the Jews in Israel I walked away in disgust. And my Jewish friends approved and encouraged my despise.

Then the attacks on Jewish civilians by Hanas enforced the evil of every Arab and I called to show solidarity with my Jewish friends. Israel response came quick and kept coming and I looked to my FRIENDS for understanding but there was little they said that made any sense. Then. I started to listen. Really listen to them and realized that I had heard it before.
No matter how many babies, children, civilians, these deaf and dumb Jews friends of mine kept spouting the same sentences I heard for years and years and years.

I remember when I fell in love with Yemen, the colours of its houses and mountains, it's majestic sunrises; I wanted to visit, to shoot there, to meet the people and write a screenplay and shoot a film there. Again I heard of how evil they were and how dangerous it is to go there.

Finally, I decided to become uneducated and search for my own answers and I was shocked. And ashamed. 73 years of apartheid. Of living inside a concentration camp. Of being killed. Humiliated. Bombed. The people I thought were beyond reproach walked on the streets of west bank and Gaza spitting on children's faces. Calling them names. Calling them Goya which means dogs.

Finally I realized that the Israelis are a vile form of being. A bacterial form that kills, infect and destroys all around. Israelis are a virulent strain of evil in this earth.

And you can call me all you want. I am no longer listening to you. I stopped the moment you told me of your right to kill Palestinians. Right bestowed on you by God himself. And you were so sure of your propaganda that you didn't take in consideration the fact that, although respecting your religion all my life, don't believe any of it. You ignored the fact that as an atheist all religions are a beautiful work of fiction.
Until you take up arms and kill and kill and kill and I have to see grown man talking about Moses and a tablet and WHAT THE FUCK!!!

note: I will dot the t's and cross the i's later. I could have sworn was the other way around. I'm learning so much since October 7th.

Ps. The video of a GENOCIDAL MOTHER and her EVIL SPAWN is down. I am sure someone has it. We WILL keep it alive. You fool us no more.