Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Casinos of Gaza ( the return of Palestinians to their Homeland )


“Do you what this right here is?” What it is, is a cemetery. You can’t tell by looking at it, on the count of the fact that there is no headstones.That’s because it is a different kind of cemetery, it’s whole slave burial ground. Everybody knows slaves didn’t have money of their own to burry their love ones with a headstone. What you can’t really tell by looking at it, our entire history, history of black people in the south, history of black people in America, of our slaves ancestor, is all buried on that field. Deep in the ground, pretty much everywhere you look, that's where our history is. In this vast empty fields. In some places, they put up all these statues, you know, like these all confederate monuments, and statues you see everywhere. All of lot of them is put up on top of the slave burial fields. It’s like taking one history, and put right on top of another; it’s like taking one man legacy, putting on top of another. Until one day, it gets push down so deep, buried so deep, can’t no one ever find it no more.” 

| An excerpt from the movie BURIAL. |

Hollywood writers can write; there is just no real meaning behind their words. Just like the politicians, once they collect their paycheck they will keep their mouth shut before genocide to make sure those checks keeps coming. Is what the Zionists in Hollywood demand.

One day, if The Terrorist State of Israel has its way; and let’s be fair, UK, Canada, US. One day all Arabic history will be a distant memory, just like the American Indians. 

When I was a teenager, I read a book entitled Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, a historical non-fiction book about the crimes against the American Indians, depicting how the US army killed entire tribes, children and all. Adding to this monumental genocidal ethnic cleansing are the casinos the white man opened on sacred Indian lands to continue to exploit the Indians who survived.

One day, US, Canada, UK and Israel will find a way to profit from the few Arabs that survive and that know how to toe the line. And a politician somewhere in time will be standing before a podium pontificating on the injustice done to Palestinians and they will admonish Israel. Whomever is in charge of The Tribal State of Israel then will apologize for the Nazi regime of 2023, and they will bestow on the survivals the entire Gaza “to live in peace and prosper like our brothers and sisters.” 

And huge casinos will be erected. Tax free for the Palestinians. PALESTINE Casinos. And good Jews from around the world will come to gamble their profits and visit Jerusalem to pray for their murderous God.

And a river, a canal of money will flow as yet another cash stream flow to US CANADA UK and Israel. All tax free.  The last thing Arabs will lose is their soul, just like the American Indians.  And finally the words of Israelis will be true: the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian. I believe it it was Hitler's sentiment as well about the Jews. Boy, was he right. 

The Jews that died in concentration camps, murdered on the street during the Nazi Genocide; they have my eternal empathy. It seems I am antisemite. Or maybe I just like angry, LOUD JEWS, like the ones the Holocaust took. They scream from the pages of history at us: LOUD, angry and eternally alive in our memory.

It's the silent deaf and dumb Jews of today I despise. I despise them all.