Wednesday, November 22, 2023

KKK MUST SEE TV. ( ISRAEL the KKK of the Middle East )

                      MASS GRAVES
I've been asking myself a pointless question and denying myself of the obvious answer; the truth that I see, hear and seeps in more and more in each conversation: 

it doesn't matter what you say,
It doesn't matter how many videos of infants and children killed in cold blood you show, 
It doesn't matter how many fake videos Israel produces; 

Palestinians and Arabs are the NIGGERS of the world. 

And I wrote the NIGGERS because, well, I feel like it. I will not participate in this charade.

Israelis are white. Arabs and Palestinians are not. 

I'm tired of having conversations with people I call, FOR THE TIME BEING, friends, sending them videos such as this, and this and this and this and  pro-truth and  Satanic Teletubbies  only to get back.
This is like watching a MMA fighter beating the life out of a child and hearing back: " Look the child is still trying to punch back."

Here's is a CNN reporter telling the world a small piece of nothing Israeli atrocity; the world watched, dismissed and now enjoy in prime time The Terrorist State of Israel killing NIGGERS.

KKK calls the Israeli "conflict" 😂"war" a MUST SEE TV.

I've been, I'm finding myself talking to God daily now. I feel his presence so close that I can whisper in his ears: "Thank you for making me an atheist."

 Fuck the Unjews, the Torah, Moses and his poisonous tablet; I have no prejudice within myself in my entire existence. My soul rejoices with poetry, music, coffee, cinema, and the writings of all nationalities.

I'm the chosen one. ***

*** I wrote that and stopped. ❤️ sunk for a bit... Ok. no... I don't feel like killing anyone. Thank you, oh Fictitious Higher Power.