Friday, November 17, 2023

Baby Coffins. Complexity or Evidence?


Today yet another conversation with a Jewish PERSON, I don't say friend because I'm not friends with murderers or people who look the other way. I call them for what they are. Hitler's children. Deaf and dumb Jews. 

It is disheartening to hear people you had meals with tell you that Israel has advised people to leave and they don't. And to then argue a point that is so, so obvious that it defies logic they don't see. 

Even if Israel gave these people 5 years to leave. And went to UN and asked them to intervene because they hadn't left,  it is a moral imperative for the State of Israel to beg the forgiveness of its people and tell them: 

" we know the terrorists are hiding among the civilians but we can't AVENGE the death of our people because we can't bomb 2 million civilians and children.'

And to lose my pacience today with someone and tell him that enough is enough. Go look at the footage. Israel tells them to move through the SAFE CORRIDOR which is already absurd and inhunane, and then bombs there.

The person goes silent. Then tells me: "Why now? Marco, you are a smart man. Hamas is using people like you. Israel was in talks for everlasting peace in that region with Saudi Arabia and Hamas couldn't let that happen and attacked us "

I'm exhausted and disheartened. I now know how people can hate black people, Indians, and on and on. If you grow up with these sort of lessons. If you have idiotic conversations with people.

I'm beginning to hate Jews. I'm beginning to see them as evil. Israelis I know. They are evil to their core. You can't live next to Auschwitz and claim moral standards. And call yourselves "the chosen one."

Here. It's right here. How many of these we need to see? 
one      two.    three.    four.    five 
six       seven  eight.    nine     ten

Hear the children terrible screaming of sheer desperation while IDF soldiers beaten her relatives. Screaming Allah's name. 

The Terrorist State of Israel is telling its people to stay away from social media because of propaganda designed to break them away from their faith. So my so called friends are moving on with their lives and living large. Laughing. Inviting me to dinner as if nothing is happening. Calling me to admonish me for posting a picture of Anne Frank and when I suggested that if she was a Palestinian she would be dead.

"Tell me, please," I asked. "if she was Palestinian living in Gaza right now would she be safe?" And someone who you once called friend answer: " Anne Frank would never be Palestinian."

What? So I just hung up the phone and answered the call back with a simple, not complex at all request, so this person understands it: 

" Please, don't call me again. Not today not ever. From this day forth you are a Palestinian to me"

I am sick to my soul with these people. These DEAF AND DUMB JEWS.

If you a Jew you have the obligation to sit down and watch the evidence. Watch the IDF soldiers own words on how they killed civilians. What is the point of sitting here typing this? I wonder how many Palestinians died during the time I am writing this? 

And what about you? Take a second. How many children died while you read this? 

ps. english is my second language so i edit and edit, sometimes days later. But I am exhausted. So just overlook the grammatical errors. It really doesn't matter, does it?