Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Alexica, Can I Get a Vow?

It's about 3:37 am in Santa Monica, California,  and I'm driving around waiting for my favorite drug dealer to open; at 4:30am. They are early risers like me. Starbucks. The company some suggest we ought to boycott but I "have an unfortunate personality" said a Jewish "friend" few hours ago, when he called me to "educate" me. I can't be educated. I take forever to learn some lessons but once I do, I will die on a molehill. And the days of propaganda and lies are pretty much over. 

Hamas is an obsolete terrorist organization; if we believe that, like the IRA, they had enough with being subjugated to The Terrorist State of Israel and have taken arms to achieve the way of the Irish, which makes them not only obsolete but plain stupid.

Let's assume for a second that these are not blood thirsty men like Hitler's children entrenched deep in the darkest annals of the State of Israel; manipulating Jews around the world like puppets. Let's assume they, like the Irish, demand  a state of their own to live in peace; like the Irish.*
Drop your guns; arm your people with cameras, cell phones, spy wear. You know how violent The Terrorist State of Israel is; show it to us. 

The demonstrations around the world are not a result of you barbaric killings of innocent Jews. We finally understand what Palestinians are dealing with: the Israeli government is evil, sadistic, barbaric. They have poisoned the world against you but if they are "the light of this world" then we have reached a new level of bleakness.

I stopped at a 🛑 light and I'm listening to the finger picking of Willie Nelson's poignant guitar while singing Like a Bridge of Trouble Water, have a terrifying realization of the simplicity of the turmoil, the plight of the Palestinians. Paul Simon's beautiful lyrics are perfectly suited to soothe the Palestinians. It crossed my mind to edit a video with all the children suffering in Palestine using this beautiful track. Then it came to me.

Hamas needs Israel. Israel needs Hamas. Both need US. France. Even Canada finally understands the tambour of war. That sips into the eardrums of every politician who needs to raise funds to be alive. To have a job.

The Indians are dead. The blacks. The negroes. The niggers. They don't fight back. They kill each other and go to prison and come out heroes, rapping about their violent upbringing "educating" other little negroes. The money the machine makes off their killings, their incarceration, their singing is but a coin machine. Some guns. Some drugs. Some albums sold. Nothing compared to the oily tsunami needed to keep the train of capitalism on the tracks.The Arabs, I'm afraid, are the only niggers around and without an enemy there can't be a war. 

I always thought the world was antisemite; hence some deaf and dumb Jews insistence in calling me to assure me they are. When I asked one of them about the rising number of dead children in Gaza,  this THING answered at once: " They've started it."

So I say live and let live. There are about 2 million Palestinians and almost 7 billion of us. Although I have my peeves with humanity, the majority want to educate themselves, get a partner, children, a family and prosperity. If we can convince the Palestinians that the only sacred land is the one under your feet where you are surrounded by family and peace. If we can get them to walk away. We should adopt them all. Hide them among white people around the world.

Let Israel, US, UK and all these war mongers manufacturers find a new enemy before they kill every single Palestinian. 

Israel horror display has done the entire world a favor. I am revisiting my entire worldwide bias: North Korea, South Korea, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen ( I love, love, love Yemen pastel colors. But never visited because US and my Jewish friends told me how violent they are.)

The Arabs now have my heart and soul like the Holocaust Jews. The deaf and dumb Jews of today, they can take their Torah and Shavout it.

****Note: for all the politicians that even think of pulling on that last thread to point to my insensitivity and the thousands IRA have killed. Like the United States of America, you have lost your moral compass. Not a single country in the world will ever take advice from you again. 

And Lexica, your white horse has diarrhea and it's making  a mess in Gaza.