Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Thin Line of the Jewish Argument

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, demanded the resignation of UN Chief, Antonio Guterres,  after he stated during a meeting of U.N. Security Council that. "Hamas attacks,"  that killed and kidnapped innocent Jewish civilians, " did not happen in a vacuum."

     What happens next, inevitably, is Israeli politicians bringing forth a script that never changes; immediately accusing the voice of dissention of antisemitism and demanding the person to be fired, in an obvious attempt to silence them.
     The horrific images of the work of Israel, entire neighborhoods destroyed, including hospitals, illustrate the mighty power of the Israeli army. But nothing on their belic arsenal is as powerful as a single word: antisemitism. 

     Jewish leaders are the only politicians in the world beyond reproach; no matter how many Palestinians they kill, how many children they slaughter, dare to voice an opposition to their barbaric ways and they will intone the song of antisemitism and self defense.

     Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin left his agency, CAA,  this week after one of it's executives, Maha Dakhil, called Israelis actions in Gaza for what it is: genocide. Twenty-four hours later she was publicably apologizing and thanking her "Jewish friends and colleagues" for educating her on the issue. Her education consisted on understanding that Israeli government is above reproach and it does not allow their atrocious actions against Palestinians to be questioned by anyone. And she fell on the sword by promptly resigning. One more voice of dissention successfully silenced.

Jewish people in Jerusalem will openly tell reporters that Palestinians and Arabs are animals and they need to be exterminated.  The Israeli government, just this week, gave Palestinians explicit instructions for Palestinians to leave Gaza through the Egyptian border and then air raided with bombs. How can Jews anywhere in the world remain silent and complicit? 

Perhaps, Mr. Sorkin should visit the 5 miles by 25 miles area Palestinians are allowed to occupy and see it for himself the quality of life the Israeli government condemned these people to: water is delivered for the entire month, electricity is rationed, and couple days a week, and on it goes the barbaric ways of the tyrannical Israeli government . 

Israeli government is so comfortable with their place in the world that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speach telling the world that he's doing God's work. A prophecy that hails Israelis as good and Palestinians and Arabs as evil. Imagine that.

Here's how this sounds to an atheist: you make up a religion, you begin writing your laws and along the way, when you encounter people you don't like and don't like you, you write in your sacred book how evil they are. And thosands of years later, you tell the entire world that your fictitious God calls for their extermination. And you bomb them, you shoot them, you imprison them and claim self defense. And you call yourselves "the chosen people" How absurd!

The Palestinians are the only group of people in this world not allowed to defend themselves. And defending does not mean going into Gaza and Jerusalem and shooting, beheading, kidnapping people. That's the same thing Israel is doing in Gaza: That's terrorism. If I were a Palestinian leader, or any terrorist group such as Hamas, Isis, or any group fighting for the right to be free, I would take the Ghandi approach. 

Offer peaceful Jews around he world free airplane tickets and safe passage to visit the small area two millions Palestinians are confined to. Place them in hotels. Feed them. Treat them with kindness. Believe me, they are not your enemies, the worse you can say about them is that they are "good Germans"  Make no mistake, the Israeli government read daily from the pages they took from the Nazis. And they have perfected the implementation of genocide. 

Palestinians leaders should give safe passage for all peaceful Jews to visit Gaza concentration camp and send them home with a full picture of what their genocidal government is doing in their names. To honor their ancestors who died at the hand of the Nazis, have them poetically wear the star of David, like the Nazis did. That's the signal to every Palestinian and terrorists group that they are guests and not to be harmed in any way. What they will see in Gaza will make them ashamed for being complicit to this carnage for so long.

Settlers, the sanitized word they made up for Jewish criminals, invade Palestinian's homes and sacred mosques and force them out of their homes brutally. All under the protection of Israeli soldiers nearby. If the families resist they are coldly, unceremoniously shot by soldiers. Including children.

Dare to voice opposition and the so called chosen people, deploy the same script that has worked for over half a century: scream antisemitism and self defense, and destroy the life of whomever criticize their barbaric ways.
     Aaron Sorkin is a "good German" and I apologize for the Germans living today and expect that you'll know that I'm talking about your ancestors. Mr. Sorkin is not alone. I checked the Twitter account of one hundred movie stars, musicians, and other celebrities and there's nothing there. 

I checked the last time they posted something to confirm their engagement in social media. After the Israeli government murdered more than 2,000 children, they have nothing to say. They are well EDUCATED.

EDUCATED. Verb. The systematic approach used by the terrorist faction of the Jewish religion to silence their critics.

ANTISEMITISM. Verb. The most powerful weapon in the terrorist faction of the Jewish religion to silence their critics.

A GOOD JEW. Mindset. A person of the Jewish faith that looks the other way while the terrorist faction of their peaceful religion practices genocide and ethnic cleansing.