Friday, June 9, 2023

The Human Existence in SEVEN BOOKS...

 I began reading these books again in the order bellow,  I think it depicts the emotional arc of our very short existence..


| The Very First Bible |


Ernest Beckers's THE DENIAL OF DEATH |


| Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO | ****


| Echhart Tolle's  A NEW EARTH |


| Miguel de  Cervantes' DON QUIXOTE |


| Dante Alighieri's DIVINE COMEDY |


| Antoine de Saint-Exupéry" THE LITTLE PRINCE |

**** For my fellow Brazilian artists that for whatever the fucking reason still enamored of communism. They call it something else but they are not fooling anyone. Especially when the president of Brazil loves Fidel Castro and choses China and Venezuela as partners against the "evil empire" United States. I hate politics and politicians but history is clear: wanna see people truest malignant inner being flourish? Give a selected few total power and make everyone else comrades. The irony is that, every place in the world that has tried, the artists are the first to get killed; along with the gays, the faithful and everyone else with an opinion.