Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 It took the Nazis years to do what israel is doing in THREE MONTHS.



The Myth of Empathy

Would you be okay coming into this world as an orphan?

If there was a way to translate a question into emotions already lived in the future, I would not be alive.The next statement will never be understood by anyone who had parents; being an orphan is a different sort of pain; a pain that never subsides, it envelop us, I have to accept, until the day we die.

Those thoughts, like pretty much any other thought I have these days, flourish from the surreal crimes the creatures name israelis are committing in Palestine. They have now, single handily, created NINETEEN THOUSAND ORPHANS in the world in only three months.

 When future generations learn about israel and israeli"s crimes, they will be missing a major part of the events we are witnessing live: empathy for israelis and israel. Fleeting. Faint. Almost non existent empathy, except in very brief moments when their new inventive cruel ways make us doubtful. 

In the future, israel's legacy will be the fleeting empathy we had with israel and israelis while we watched them commit crime after crime. Acts of violence that were so heinous that it lit up our empathy and gave them, for a brief second, the benefit of being a human being. And yet, time and time again we came to find out that they went beyond what we had already thought as evil:

like invading a hospital dressed as doctors and nurses and then killing patients and children:

like preventing food and water to be distributed to the starving population, but leaving behind little canister marked as military food so that children could find it and open, and die ,when, in fact, their hope for sustenance ended up being a grenade;

like the shooting of their own israeli citizens in cold blood when they were shouting in Hebrew, partially undressed and waving a white flag:

like an israeli sniper shooting two christian women in a catholic church and killing them as they made their way to the bathroom.

like the little Palestinian boy and his brother who were chased by the IDF and ran into his house, and before the soldiers had a chance to get him he died of a hear attack. A little boy died of a heart attack caused by fear.

like forcing doctors and nurses out of a hospital AT GUN POINT and condemning to death the days old infants that had no one to feed them. Babies that starved to death alone. 

These moments, upon hearing this, our empathy were with the IDF soldiers, with israelis, with israel. " It can't be true." we briefly thought until the video evidence once again surprised us. Many of these videos proudly shot by the israelis themselves.

like the artist and filmmaker, Steven Spielberg who once said in an interview that "Empathy is the most important sentiment in cinema." and then directed the masterpiece Schindler's List. 

And now, there will not be a single honest human being in this world, who sees that film, and won't be divided by the end of it: 

ONE the atrocity committed against Jews is something so horrific that the entire world need to make sure it never happens to anyone else.

TWO the Jewish man who made this movie knows about Gaza, about the concentration camp in the backyard of israel, about the daily murder of Palestinians and yet, he said nothing about it to anyone. And when, in a plot point so absurd no writer would ever write it, the people of israel began killing children for over ONE HUNDRED DAYS, destroying HOSPITALS, UNIVERSITIES, CHURCHES, MOSQUES, HOMES and displacing over ONE MILLION PEOPLE. 

When all of these event took place LIVE ON THE INTERNET FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE.

Mr. Spielberg and his fellow ZIONISTS in Hollywood went to work threatening every single person and assuring their silent complicity in the Genocidal taking place in the land of Jesus of Nazareth. 

It seems to me, as an atheist, that if there is a God, he has indeed chosen the jewish people of israel to unite us all. Their cruelty lit up our humanity.

It is a well known fact now that israel are masters of propaganda and perennial liars. So just like the moguls in Hollywood, they changed the narrative and made themselves the heroes. Never missing a single opportunity to tell everyone that God has chosen them as the " pupil of His eyes" and that " we are the good ones. Fighting the evil Arabs for all of you."

Problem is, our internet is working.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Meaning of Being a MARTYR


 The world would be less, without Palestinians; without Arabs.

We need their resolve, their determination, their faith. Palestinians, in particular, have changed the way I see the world. Courageous before TWO THOUSAND POUND BOMBS. 

While westerns are silent, afraid to lose their jobs. Their social status. 

Long live the Palestinians

And the brave women who give birth and raise them to display courage, dignity and humanity before sheer terror.

ISRAEL Bombed an Elementary School in California.. 400 INNOCENT CHILDREN DEAD.

I drove by an elementary school in Santa Monica and saw the little children going inside. About 400 students in that school. And it came to me the horror. While US UK israel are busy selling to us the evil Arabs, we are the ones doing the killing.

Imagine if some country began bombing elementary schools. 400 innocent children dead. And the rest of the world not only said nothing but provided the bombs for them to do it. 

And they bombed another. 800 CHILDREN DEAD. And still nothing. In fact, if you protested they call you antisemitic. Or threaten to invade your country. And kill more people.

And they bombed another. 1,200 CHILDREN DEAD. TOGETHER WTH 3,000 OF THEIR PARENTS. And still the president came on tv and said well they have the right to defend themselves. 

ANOTHER SCHOOL. 1,600 CHILDREN DEAD. And now you wake up and see the bodies on your phone and yet for your surprise NOTHING ON THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA. NOTHING. 

It would take bombing THIRTY SIX ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS TO KILL AS MANY CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS to match what that disgusting little ant in the Middle East did in 3 months. 

Next time you drive by an elementary school, LOOK AT IT WITH YOUR HEART AND SOUL.

I can't stop thinking about the desperation of the children in Palestine. 

Monday, January 29, 2024


I have the answer to your QUESTION



I wonder how long will take Americans to understand that you can't bomb and invade other countries and call them terrorists. What does it mean to fund terrorism? Don''t we fund terrorism every year on April, 15th? 

If you have a heart research photos of countries such as Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and many, many others. The before and after. How it looked like and how it looks like when the WESTERN democratic heroes head back home.

So many families and children playing one day, going to school, living their lives, and the soldiers arrive and kill everyone who protest the invasion of THEIR LAND. THEIR HOME. THEIR COMMUNITY.

ON THE CUSP of The United States of America heading to the Middle East to kill more children, let us take this moment and think what it means. How terrifying to the families that got the news today that THEY WILL BE INVADED.

Drive by an elementary school anywhere in this country and guess how many children are inside; then calculate how many generations would you have to bomb to KILL FIFTEEN THOUSAND CHILDREN.  


IMPORTANT: This is the unthinkable but if you stand with israel, it is what you are condoning. The killing of children.

15,000 children KILLED IN PALESTINE

410 students. 
( it will take 36 generations to kill as many children as israel killed in 3 months.)

406 students. 
it will take 36 generations to kill as many children as israel killed in 3 months.)

552 students. 
it will take 27 generations to kill as many children as israel killed in 3 months.)

IMPORTANT: This is too painful to continue. If you stand with israel you better be ready to tell the world that Palestinian children don't have the same value than children in southern California. Or any other state.

Now try imagining that for 100 days another country bombed 37 elementary schools in the United States and called you a criminal if you protested.


Now please tell everyone you STAND WITH israel

The Universal Language of EMPATHY

When the situation is so sad and dire, that it transcends the human language.

The Deceitful Beauty of Psychopaths

 I have now BLOCKED 3 fan accounts but the nazi algorithm hasn't given up converting me into a DEAF & DUMB BIMBO.

You listen to this teenager desperate pleas to be allowed 

                               TO LIVE

and then think of Miss Genocidal Barbie above asking you to support that little ant of the Middle East while it kills an entire population.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Every Child Learns About the Holocaust


There are few events that will immediately change a human being more profoundly than learning about the Holocaust. I was 9 years old when I took a book off the shelf and saw the pictures.

I HATE israelis. I HATE israel.


I just saw this and I'm sharing with you because it is what connect us all: being a human being. And having memories of a mother is a privilege thousands of children in Palestine will never have.

I am an orphan. The memory of my mother that will never subside; I was sitting on a park bench at night, she was leaving for treatment in a hospital. I was shy of 2 years old. I know precisely what those survivors felt.

I  will NOT RESEARCH THE PERSON speaking because heaven forbid he's using the Holocaust to justify killing Palestinians. 

I will keep the story in my heart I wish I could hear the songs he's talking about but I can't afford to do any search on this. Right now. He's a nice Jewish man who uses his art to touch the lives of others.

But that assumption of mine is as feeble as the lives of the starving Palestinians.

If you believe in GOD

Please 🙏 PRAY for this little girl 

I will post the link under the picture but will describe it here, so that you know what you are about to watch.

( a little girl. About 2 years old. Barely crying in confusion, unable to understand the amount of blood GUSHING from her EYES and MOUTH and FACE.

            They must see         THIS

HAMAS should have one strategy and one strategy only: kidnapping. Find israelis devoted to israel and hold them for 24 hours. No more killing. Every hour, they get to see videos such as these. The rest of the time, they are to be well fed, well treated and left with their own thoughts.

Then, they get released. Carefully. So that the israelis psychopathic IDF soldiers don't shoot them.

These would and should go on for years until a tipping point is crossed.

                                      artist BOB 24

The Illusion of Freedom

We are not free; we are allowed to exist for our tax dollars and supplemental bodies; to die in wars, which only purpose is to ensure financial gains to our masters.

Don't fool yourselves. WE ARE ALL PALESTINIANS.

I now understand why the west loves israel and israelis- all countries need psychopaths capable of killing children, babies and civilians in their names. While they cover them politically. It's actually brilliant. And cost effective.

When I say that I hate israelis and Israel is because now I understand what they are. Murderers for hire.

It's no wonder Jewish people are appalled by their actions.

I Offer the 🌎 a DEAD BABY

( 16,000 and counting. GO israel. GO.)

on the I HATE israelis SERIES

THEY KNOW. and they don't care

Watch the documentary KILLING GAZA 

RARELY USED democracy for sale 😕

Why doesn't the Arab 🌎 accept our way is BETTER?

MOVIE STARS are Born not Made

The IT factor is a blend of gravitas, empathy, humanity and courage. Without these qualities you are just in the movies.

Courage is measured by what you stand for, by your actions when your actions put everything you hold dear on the line.

Here's someone who will be REMEMBERED

A Important Question

How can you look at this YOUNG GIRL and not see a HUMAN BEING that has THE RIGHT TO BE ALIVE? THE RIGHT TO LIVE.