Sunday, December 31, 2023


            Film director Oliver Stone

BONUS self hating Jew

Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Absurd Monstrosity Named ISRAEL

This is a building with women and children inside.

Someone explain why. I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT BIAS towards Israelis. Like the Nazis. If you are an ISRAELI I know who you are. And I fucking DESPISE YOU.


Here's what BILL MAHER says "People due in wars. Get over it."

The Untold Story of Libya

The lies we hear about Arabs are INHUMANE.

Domestic Consumption of Zionism

Democracy? This.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

THE GOAT and the Hungry Children

Empty words. From one the greatest actors. Her greatest role: PRETENDING TO BE A HUMAN BEING. PRETENDING TO FEEL EMPATHY. 
Speaking about injustices ONLY when it's free to do so. All despicable people. 

Below what courage looks like.

      I will never forget these children. Fear. Hunger. Sadness.Despair. Faith. Solidarity. Anxiety. Anger. Humanity. Empathy. Love.
All feelings Palestinians are experiencing.  No pretending on PALESTINA SOIL.

The people below can ALL GO TO HELL with the ZIONISTS THEY SERVE.

The Goat and all the Deaf & Dumb of Zionistown 


Lady, empathy is not a condiment; not a spice you arbitrarily apply.

A Very Beautiful ❤️ Christmas 🎁 Message

               The lies we were told.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The World is being ISRAELED

Israelis are worse than Nazis. At least the Nazis were honest psychopaths.

Can You HEAR..

... the SCREAMS

I ❤️ PALESTINIANS! I hate Israelis.

LOOK at this Palestinian CHILD attitude versus Israeli "adults."

I have had over 100 conversations with ISRAELIS now and they don't care about the deaths of children. 
You hear absurd things from them, such as "They've started it." Or "What are we to do? These people are terrorists."

No. You are the terrorist. The Terrorist State of Israel has killed more than EIGHT THOUSAND CHILDREN and BABIES in the last 80 days. Roughly ONE HUNDRED CHILDREN PER DAY.

You are in a league of your own. You and the Nazis. And shame on the Germans. You should have been THE FIRST NATION TO SPEAK UP.

"We the Germans have been there. Never again. We will not participate in any killings. What our ancestors did was horrifying and we will never stand next to any nation doing the same."

The Holocaust does not give you a license to kill. Palestina will be a state. And you WILL BEHAVE. 

How many more videos do you need to see


The pain of a cuíca is universal: paradoxically lingers and travels, leaves the song carrying all the beauty and pain humans suffer. The cuíca  sings the lament of the soul: long lost love romantic or otherwise, even Socrates does not have enough philosophy to explains its sound. If the Greek philosophers had listened to a cuíca's lament, Greece would be silent of poets, playwrights and muses, and the Turkish soldiers could have been kept at bay, if from Greece's shore had they heard the sound of a cuíca carried by the waves: lamenting its dying days on the crashing waves.

Only an African could have invented an instrument that refuses to be contained within the constraint of a song, an instrument that asks no permission to be free. if you want to support a negro join Black Lives Matter but if you want to understand his centuries old struggles and pain, listen to a cuíca. It carries 300 years of suffering.

At 3:33, you hear a cuíca in this song of Brazilian poet and diplomat, Vinícius de Moraes ( who called himself "the whitest negro in Brazil ") Sao Demais os Perigos Dessa Vida" which translates to "there are a lot of dangerous things in this world", which bring us right back to Black Lives Matter protesters who understand that sentiment throughout. 

In the United States of America jaywalking for a negro can be a death sentence; enjoying a late night walk listening to Motown's Hits, a suicidal gesture. Yet, I do this almost every moonlit night or otherwise in total safety unless I open my latino mouth; racism in America is a descending stairway to the  darkest corners of a red neck muted soul.

While we fight for a more just world for everyone, I listen to a cuíca; one day, I hope, our descendants will look back at us in dismay for how primitive we were, and they will play the cuíca to understand the pain, caused by the oppression of an entire group of people due to the color of their skin. It will echo  the lament of a mother watching her son dying under the weight of prejudice and despise.

It will echo the lament of Palestine.

A Very Jewish Christmas 2 U

The lies we were told. The lies we believe. The lies Jews believe. The Muslims we hate.

We need to protect our kind. From extinction. You do the living. Go on with your day. We will do the protecting.

And we will teach our children to despise everyone because we are the most special of all creatures; in a world of billions, God chose us as "the pupil of his eye."

So we kill. So we lie. So we kill so we lie. So we hate. And another day find us, and our brothers. A day to hate, to kill, to lie . 

A day to feel Holy in all of our killing. Justified. We are the hands of God in this world punishing the weak. Problem is, one can not be a perpetual killer and victim without choosing sides. 

We are the lives we live. Daily. There's no going around that. There's a third option we must choose to survive: families; community.

I vowed to protect all Jews. I understood the Jew as a well educated being, industrious and with strong family ties. Taking care of ones in our house, and then looking outwords to the community: giving to the art, giving to less fortunate. Expanding the circle of blessings bestowed on us by a loving God, to our entire community. 

That is the solution of Gaza. If you truly believe you are the light of this world , how do you account for so much pain and suffering and darkness your community is inflicting on another.

The Jewish people will be safe when they fulfill their divine mandate. Being the light of this world means getting your house in order. The House of Israel. Then making peace with your neighbors.

"Tear that wall Gorbachev." said former President Ronald Reagan.

"Tear all the walls, Israel." I say. Believe the prophecy you profess to the world and trust your God. 

Be the light. Start by pulling the weeds of your garden; and that is your own flesh and soul. The cancerous government of Israel that's making Jews hated around the world. Get rid of your government. Get rid of your settlers. Get rid of your citizens walking around with automatic weapons. 

Even an uncompromising atheist such as myself knows, heaven on earth does not look like that 

Free Gaza. Bring Palestinians back. Help them rebuild. Shock the entire world by killing your own first,  like humans do with cancerous cells that pretend to be us, while killing us.

I suggest a billionaire I know; Barry Sternlicht. He has plenty of time. Smart. Wealthy. Jewish. Son of a Polish Holocaust survivor. He's wasting lifetime energy in Miami, Florida of all places. He's a lost Jewish soul looking for a purpose. Interview him for the job of creating THE NEW ISRAEL.

SHOCK THE WORLD by acknowledging Hamas for what it says it is. Give them what they have asked. Call their bluff. Let the entire world watch while you free Palestina. Send your new emissary to the United Nations and demand their help.Surround Israel with NATO protection while you transition. Look at Ireland. UK. Look at their history. How many Irish men you see out to destroy the United Kingdom?

Institute a SAFE DAY OF RETURN. Let the entire world watch daily videos of families, what's left of them,  being welcome back to their homes. The homes the settlers took from them as the Nazis did to your ancestors.

Rebuild their mosques. The churches. The hospitals and universities you destroyed. You broke it. You fix it.

Let the entire world watch daily videos of the Israelis being kind. Let the entire world know who you are. Let them see you being the Jews I have met.

Family. Education. Community. Prosperity for everyone.

Let them see you being the light of this world: educated, wealthy, altruistic. The fertile ground entire civilizations can sprout from. They already love one of your children: the PALESTINIANS.

Right now, all they see is a bunch of atheists like myself, killing in your name. And we don't like what we see.

See the darkness of your ways. Be the light.


Monday, December 25, 2023


How can any Jewish person be okay with this? How can anyone?

Shame on You. ALL.




Every single person who paid for this movie should be in Gaza with their children being bombed by the very people you are giving your money to. Maybe you would understand then.

The Memories of Us

Imagine hearing your child say this:

"In the end we will all be memoriesthe world did not love us, mom." A Palestinian Child.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Battle Cry of Bigotry

Embued in this argument is all an intelligent person need to understand zionism, propaganda and hatred of another group.

Listen to DISGUSTING ZIONIST SWINE Bill Maher CHILDISH TON OF VOICE. Imagine saying that "Judaism is the mother of bad ideas." Imagine the chant of antisemitism.

I'm an atheist and still able to extrapolate the good things in each "fairytale "

Israel Playbook

This is why I despise ALL Israelis; deaf and dumb is a choice. At the expense of tremendous suffering of the Palestinians. Save the children, they deserve all they get. They are THE REAL MONSTERS supporting this massacre.

Standard procedure 
Imagine living like this for 75 years 

We Are the Resistance

You are gonna have to kill ALL OF US.

Catholic SUPPORTING Palestinians 

Israelis are a different kind of monsters.