Saturday, June 25, 2022

Here They Are! The Shameless.

     Finally we get a demonstration of the bias against women having sex out of the "convention" of marriage; because that is what this is about. Morality.

     It is certainly not about protecting life because Republicans have made clear their feelings about struggling single young mothers; by voting NO to any and all form of financial aid to mother and babies. 

     Let it be known, the truth:


     There is no greater carcinogen to humans than power; especially when the fabric of their soul is prejudice. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

TITLE - Whichever SAFE WORD of the Day

     I will hide somewhere, until you cancel each other out; it's coming - there, I must apologize for the use of the word coming and assure you that it was not an allusion to sexual climax. 

Let me start again.

     I will hide somewhere, until you cancel each other out, it's the obvious conclusion to the toxic environment it's been created. I carefully stated that so not to point fingers.
     You know the old saying about social landscape, " First they came for the Jews and we did nothing, then they came for the..." - okay, we must deconstruct that too.

First things first, doesn't mean that second things don't matter, or third, forths and so on; they do. All numbers have the same value, none are above others, except for Zero, which I will not apologize for saying since I'm more afraid of Zero than I am of all of you, combined. Zero is a number you disrespect at your own peril; it behaves as damn well it feels like and doesn't care if you like it. It will defend itself violently and unapologetically. Zero cannot be cancelled out. 

     First things first was simply an expression I used to delineate the order in which I was about to address my sensitivity blunder. The word I used, came, was the past tense of the verb come which I now realize has been cancelled and is no longer allowed unless one has special permission to use it. 

     I confess that it was only after I checked the long list of words we can no longer use that I noticed; there it was, right next to went related to the verb go  which is allowed, carefully, and never in association with the word down which again, can be perceived as a micro- aggression or toxic masculinity.

     Down, should be avoided whenever possible, since we wouldn't want to upset anyone by reminding them of how hard life can be at times. The use of the word can trigger sadness which is no longer allowed. Hence our glorification of celebrities, actors, movie stars, in talk shows and their  press junkets where everyone is so damn Happy!!! 

     That being cleared up ( not a micro-aggression towards teenagers with pimples, which now can be cured scientifically by a 5 days fast and a ketogenic regimen.) 
Where was I? Oh, yes. The Jews. Always the Jews. When I said, First they came for the jews... it was not my intent to place them before any other group, blacks, indians, women, Argentines, gays, whichever pronoun of the day, is in vogue now.

     Before I wonder too far from the last period let me state unequivocally that whichever pronoun of the day, was not used to poke fun of gender neutral individuals. It was a sincere confession of someone unsure of the proper term.

     Perhaps this is as good moment as any to mention that I grew up in the theatrical community, surrounded by gay - the term surrounded was not used to express 😨
I was just saying that there was lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of them.
Geraldinho, my mentor, teacher, friend, was gay and I love him as much as I loved regular people.

     I also had a very good friend who was black; today he's African Brazilian.

     Which brings me to the word period used to suggest a grammatical punctuation and not as an allusion to the time of the month women bleed to clean their reproduction system; which the Supreme Court is now ruling whether or not to allow since bleeding girls scare the little boys.
     My explanation of menstruation is according to science, and it meant no disrespect towards any religion since it is a fact that God has the power to, with or without 🩸 decide whether or not a woman can bare a child.

     And please, I'm not suggesting God can impregnate women and I'm not being passive agressive saying that to allude to priests and nuns and young children; men of the cloth have been persecuted enough.
And priests are my cue.

     I will hide away now, from everyone, my family, my children, my neighbors. I will hide and avoid anyone whose unable to face their own 👿 and need others to to ascribe injuries, personal offences in order to negate their own faults and cowardice; their own actions forgotten while they conveniently cancel others.

     I will hide in anger for not using the sword I had always possessed to protect myself; in shame for my own shortcomings; I will hide as humans once did, to regroup before the cancellation era began.

     I will hide from all of you, perfect human beings, over exposed in your social media accounts where all is elegant, beautiful, righteous, and as pristine as Lake Karachay.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Bumble Bee

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