Saturday, April 30, 2022

Castles Within

 I’m alone; an alone animal roaming a Covid infested world. My fellow man, although forced to stay home didn’t miss a beat, full speed ahead: angry, selfish, entitled. To what, I ask? To everything. Their space, your space, my space; space itself as they lounge upwards, bored with the mess they made of things down here.

I lounge forward too; searching for myself in memories and places within; for pockets of light I hid, from demons I encountered along the way; demons that gorge on light. Your light, my light, the light of the world itself. With the little light left in me I rebuild an entire world, because my nature demands that of me; it refuses to die. 

Dying is easy, but living it’s not hard as the canto goes; just tricky…

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

L.A. nights


This is an assignment on the issue of homelessness in the city of Los Angeles. I have a few questions; and felt the need to verify the accepted sentiment that the problem is related to mental illness and drug use. Three days into this assignment and a third road keeps inviting me to a new direction.  I have taken that road. 

I am not a journalist; I am a writer. There will be no unbiased reporting, only the truth of what I see and how it affects me as well as the questions that arise. I don't, for a second, think that I will arrive at a complete understanding of why a child that was once waited for and loved by someone now lies forgotten in the city of Los Angeles. The city of angels.

I could plan this, organize it, and then post it; but decided instead to post each day and invite you along to what I see and learn, and feel.


Sunday, April 10, 2022


I was by the sea
When I realized
That sadness would always be.

The memory of my mother
Just too vast to forget

It sips into me, and me and me...

I practice many religions:
meditation, visualization, exercise,
Journaling, writing...

But mother is always there
She does not die; today
Or any other day.

And whatelse is there
Besides living with her within me?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Breeze


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Love Affair

I remember you,
even when you are,
nothing but a feeling.

I remember you,
even when all there is,
is hints of us.

Somewhere in time,
a feeling o despair, loneliness, nostalghia.
A feeling of a loss
of something,
that was never ours:
to possess, to claim
to forever long for.

In all my memories
of you
is the present that never was
a long for what we never became;

as if we exist somewhere 
and I alone remember 
each moment of it.

Your life moves forward 
and I can’t tell whether or not,
you miss me, think of me,
even once remember my existence.

I long for what you represent:
a family,

All that never was; 

and isn’t that,
the ripped fabric of a lost affair?

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️